Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Inches away from leaving to FT'ing a mFTOPS Event

The title says it all.

I was so fed up with poker after a brutal week and a half stretch. I understand the variance and everything involved with swings but this just was brutal and made me not want to open up the clients on a daily basis. I was seriously down and out mentally. I left most of my skype groups and really stopped communicating with a lot of players from PTP. A few days later a couple of the guys from the mixed games chat reached out to talk to me and really let me get things off my chest and gave their thoughts on everything. Basically what I got out of them was that I should slowly get back to it, 1 tournament at a time.

So thats what I did...starting 1 at a time in a few mixed/other games mFTOPS events. Went 3 for 3 in cashing the next 3 events I played.....7 game, Stud8 and Razz events. Feeling pretty good going into the $55 9 game event, I had a decision to make. The 9 game event was multi entry. My original plan was to jump in with 2 entries right away and go from there. By now I had been added back to my mixed games group and I was openly debating it with a couple of the guys. Tim flat out predicted I was going to ship the event, telling me I might as well start with 4 from the beginning and Chris agreed with the thought of using 4 entries.

So thats what I did, jumped in with all 4 entries to start. The BAP being down about $700 prior to this. It was a grind, to say the least. Relying a lot on my patience, I was able to cash 2 of the 4 entries. Entry 1 made just a min cash, with Entry 4 poised for a deepish run. Once the field trimmed down from over 2500 to 100-150ish it seemed to become an extremely tough field. Every table I got moved to had 2, 3 or 4 guys with over $200K in profit on FTP. Grinded a pretty short stack for awhile until catching a mini heater in a round of NLHE that saw my stack go from about 20K to 100K. Pretty standard stuff for awhile and the next thing I know there are 30 players left. Looking at over 25K for first, this is the tourney I want to bink. I go a little card dead and watch my stack waiver between 100k and 300k.

We get down to 21 left and I take a look and Im sitting in 19th. Obviously not ideal but I didnt start to panic. I just kept picking my spots and grinding it out, realizing I had a huge advantage on my tables in the Stud games. Before I know it im sitting 9 of 10 and then 7 of 7 (6 handed tables). Couple big hands happen and im able to hit the FT with the short stack on life support. But I havent panic'd the entire tourney, no need to do so now. I grind it out, pick up a few chips here and there and watch a couple players bust. Im now sitting 3 of 4. Get involved in a Razz hand and Im still lost on if things went down correctly or not. But Im not gonna agonize over it. I ended up busting in 4th for about $8.4K. So close to a jersey, but atleast I get a jacket to remember the run by, right? haha

I havent done much coaching lately, as I felt like my mixed games were a bit off. I am now feeling very strong overall and its been a great year....OPR has me up about 12.5K so far this year. Its a solid start but im hungry for more.

Poker camp coming up in a week and a half, Im stoked. I cant wait to hit up Vegas and meet some great PTP'ers.

Best of luck everybody and keep up the grind. Hardwork pays off


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