Thursday, February 24, 2011

February slows down

Hey guys,

Sorry its been awhile. Havent had a ton to talk about. Been continuing my solid cash rate but wasnt getting extremely deep in anything. Was able to final table the $20 35K gtd cubed on Stars and get myself just over 1.1k

Have been doing some work setting up ghosting sessions for possible students. My first one wasnt a great success as a couple guys had to back out and a couple had to leave early....couple that with a terrible night of cards and it had train wreck stamped all over it.

On a GREAT note, I have officially thrown my name into the ring of Rounder's Retreat Poker Camp participants April 4-10. Very very much looking forward to a week in Vegas at a poker house, learning from the likes of scaphism, zenman and mossified. Ill get to meet a couple of my students as well, so all in all it should be an excellent week.

Well, thats it for now...Time to get registering for the day. Keep on Keepin on Yo